Notes by Denomination

Page contents

Summary Yearly First

Number of notes by denomination

Value Notes %   Total value
5 211688 63.9
1058440 EUR
10 51604 15.6
516040 EUR
20 26516 8.0
530320 EUR
50 40593 12.2
2029650 EUR
100 1008 0.3
100800 EUR
200 32 0.0 6400 EUR
500 2 0.0 1000 EUR
Total 331443 100 4242650 EUR

Yearly statistics

Value 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 Years
5 7714 11259 13646 15854 17173 17658 15022 14501 12150 12264 13034 10179 7664 10182 13640 6904 4238 3887 2934 1785 20
10 2911 5189 4165 2700 1965 3756 3678 3109 3321 3461 2683 3174 4966 1372 1177 748 1017 791 804 617 20
20 1870 2496 1954 1343 1351 1735 1857 1899 1884 1694 451 558 1086 1237 1186 854 892 806 870 493 20
50 2828 3078 2797 2431 2849 2888 2504 2694 2829 2676 1197 891 1840 2226 1751 1118 1089 1246 945 716 20
100 76 75 64 45 73 52 65 59 66 89 11 12 43 58 42 25 32 48 44 29 20
200 1 3 2 2 5 1 2 1 - 1 - - - 2 1 1 2 2 3 3 16
500 - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 1 - - - - - - 2

First notes by denomination

1. note was the first 5 note (entered in Zandvoort on 2005-02-07)
5. note was the first 10 note (entered in Zandvoort on 2005-02-07)
12. note was the first 20 note (entered in Zandvoort on 2005-02-07)
38. note was the first 50 note (entered in Zandvoort on 2005-02-08)
364. note was the first 100 note (entered in Zandvoort on 2005-02-21)
2953. note was the first 200 note (entered in Zandvoort on 2005-04-28)
258835. note was the first 500 note (entered in Zandvoort on 2017-07-22)

Generated 2024-10-07 10:05:19 (by nigmm 0.071)